copyright notice: All images on this page are protected by copyright
against unauthorized duplication.
No reproductions or reprints are permitted without written authorization of artist.
Thank you.
John on the Isle of Patmos (Consequences), copyright 2020,
Acrylic, mica, on canvas, 32"H x 54"W
The method is to paint luminous color field works and those that contain spontaneous brushwork. There is not too much planning. It develops over time...sometimes years...sometimes days, or hours. The surfaces may appear to be simple, but are actually the result of many complex layers of transparent paint. The influence of artists whose work was important to the art world in the 60s and 70s is obvious, as are the ideas of those who found themselves in the role of the avant garde in every age, breaking constraints of academic tenets and risking the expected backlash. It is from their pilgrimage that freedom from the confines of established thinking and practice allowed the great experience of pressing forward, making and mending mistakes, developing good and bad work, embracing changes, and, ultimately, to complete a work that is honest. The eventual reward is subliminal, sometimes intimate, conversation with the viewer, which is extremely gratifying, proffering genuine purpose in the art.
During the 2020 pandemic year, members of Echo Valley Art Group wanted to be sure that they would continue their annual support of Lancaster young artists. So, the group came up with the idea of creating Art Posters of works by each member artist, The artists individually chose their works to be reproduced. These 26 beautiful, frame ready images are printed archivally on heavy paper, 11x14, and ALL of the proceeds will go to the Demuth Foundation and Lancaster Museum of Art to support their extraordinary efforts and support of young, emerging, visionary and established artists in our community, even during the pandemic. Art makes a difference in our lives.
Echo Valley Art Group poster sale for the benefit of the Demuth Foundation, on YouTube:
To view Claire Giblin's studio tour,created by the Demuth Museum, 2020,
To View Echo Valley Art Group virtual exhibition June 2020
March, copyright 2023,
Acrylic on canvas, 32"H x 48"W
From July 5 through September 24, 2022, The Lancaster Museum of Art hosted the 60th Annual Community Art Exhibition
Below is the piece I entered into the show.
Forget Me Nots (remember me), copyright 2020,
Ink and watercolor on rice paper, mounted on rice paper, 10" x 14"
Untitled (le taureau est morte), copyright 2019,
Acrylic and mica on canvas, 50"H x 70"W
Collection of Scott Fritz, Downingtown, PA
LOGOS, copyright 2019, 48"H x 48"W
Acrylic on canvas
Eve Lution, copyright 2019, 20"H x 24"W framed at 28"H x 32"W
Acrylic on Paper
collection of Ernell and Francine Firestine-Harley
Island of the Hesperides, copyright 2023, 45"H x 45"W
Acrylic on canvas
Looking North on Broadway, copyright 2018,
Acrylic on Plexiglas plates, 19" x 19"
Collection of Francine Firestine, Lancaster, PA
Winter at Rock Ford, copyright 2018,
Acrylic on Plexiglas plates
This work was curated by Joyce Heberlein into the 2018 annual Echo Valley Art Group exhibition
at Lancaster Art Galleries.Lancaster, PA
Collection of Francine Firestine-Harley, Lancaster, PA
Echo Valley Jewels, copyright 2018,
Digital photo screen assemblage with plastic jewel boxes (a nod to Andy Warhol) 29"H x 22"W
This work was created as a tribute to the artists of Echo Valley Art Group and shown
at the group's 2018 annual exhibition at Lancaster Art Galleries.
I am very honored to have been invited to show one painting, (Lung-Ta Wind Horse and Prayers for Peace) PEACEMAKING (PROJECT PEACE), June 22 - July 21, 2018 at Galerie Kerstan im Galerienhaus, Stuttgart, Germany.
and one photograph (Wounded Dove)
to be shown in an international exhibition of artists and writers,
The participating artists and writers are:
Anne Phong | Chris Raschka | Claire Giblin | Helen Beekman | Helen Berggruen | Herb Weaver |
Leslie Kaufman | Lucio Pozzi | Michael Arrigo | Milt Friedly | Nina Buxenbaum | Sandy Brunvand |
Steven Rubin | Carolyn Forché | Daina Savage | David Kenley | Deanna Nikaido | E. Ethelbert Miller |
Jesse Waters | Julia Spicher Kasdorf | Lawrence Ferlinghetti | Leslie McGrath | Michael White | Romie Lie |
Scott Cairns | Taslima Nasreen Adam Way | Cooper Siegel | Georgia Grimm
To view the catalog on line, with images and statements, connect here: PEACEMAKING
Wounded Dove, copyright 2016,
Photograph, archival pigment print on 100% rag paper, Print No. 1 of 16"H x 20"W, framed 24"H x 28"W
s collection of Francine Firestine, Lancaster, PA
Print No. 2 collection of Lisa Getzfrid, Philadelphia, PA
Prints 3 - 10 available, please inquire
Lung Ta - Wind Horse and the Prayers for Peace, copyright 2005,
oil based ink and acrylic on monotype plate, 28"H x 26"W
Two photographs, Window Seat and Catskill Pond, both from the solo exhbition CAPTURED at the Ware Center in December of 2016, were selected by jurors: Julianna Foster and David Graham, to be included in the June, 2018 exhibition PHOTOgraphy at the Philadelphia Sketch Club. The Sketch club is at 235 S. Camac Street in Philadelphia. The Philadelphia Sketch Club is the oldest artist's club in America. Gallery hours are Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 1 to 5 pm. Inquire to see the images; prints are available
Six paintings were exhibited at a curated invitational exhibition, Spring Abstraction, at the Lore Degenstein Gallery, Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, PA. They are Stripes, Violet, Magenta Precipice Rust and Silver, Thus and No further, Siddhartha - The Birth of Blue
I am honored to announce that Siddhartha - The Birth of Blue is now part of the Permanent Collection at Susquehanna University
Divine Breath, copyright 2016,
acrylic on canvas 48"H x 60"W, collection of Francine Firestine, Lancaster, PA
Adam Cast Forth, copyright 2016, based on the poem by Jorge Luis Borges, below,
acrylic, gold leaf, mica, on canvas 60"H x 48"W
Adam Cast Forth
Jorge Luis Borges, The Self and the Other, 1964
The Garden was it real or was it dream?
Slow, in the hazy light, I have been asking,
Almost as a comfort, if the past
Belonging to this now unhappy Adam
Was nothing but a magic fantasy
Of that God I dreamed. Now it is imprecise
In memory, that lucid paradise,
But I know it exists and will persist
Though not for me. The unforgiving earth
Is my addiction, and the incestuous wars
Of Cains and Abels and their progeny.
Nevertheless, it means much to have loved
To have been happy, to have laid my hand on
The living Garden, even for one day.
Hubo un Jardin o fue el Jardin un suefio?
Lento en la vaga luz, me he preguntado.
Casi como un consuelo, si el pasado
De que esta Adan, hoy misero, era dueno,
No fue sino una magica impostura
De aquel Dios queasone. Ya es impreciso
En la memoria el claro Paraiso,
Pero yo se que existe y que perdura.
Aunque no para mi, La terca tierra
Es mi castigo y la incestuosa guerra
De Caines y Abeles y su cria.
Y, sin embargo, es mucho haber amado.
Haber sido feliz, haber tocado
El viviente Jardin, siquiera un dia.
Forms Passing, copyright 2016,
acrylic, mica, on canvas 48"H x 60"W
Age of Beauty, copyright 2016, diptych, acrylic, gold leaf, mica,on canvas
55"H x 52"W, 43"H x 42"W
collection of Susan Kadel, Hummelstown, PA
Architect's Dream - Night Vision by C. Khali Ghari, December 15, 2015 ![]()
Architect's Dream, copyright 2016, acrylic, gold leaf, mica,on canvas
18"H x 24"W collection of the late Tracey Meloni, Harrisburg, PA
This now is my mansion.
In the black dome of night sky
the moon is the oculus
surrounded by a million oculi of stars
Beneath the convex, surrounded by pine pillars and their capitals, my body rests upon soft blue moss;
Dew drop crystals reflect and repeat the light above.
Sweetest scent and murmur of velvet night
immense in power
wraps me like a child and holds me near its beating heart so that I sleep in peace.
Til the pattering of tiny mice feet on the floor urge open my eyelids.
Breeze blows open the curtain
The dome is blue
life is everywhere.
Carnavale, copyright 2010,
acrylic on canvas 48"H x 72"W
collection of Francine Firestine, Lancaster, PA
Summer Islands, copyright 2015, acrylic on canvas
36"H x 24"W
I am honored that Summer Islands was selected for a group exhibition of Pennsylvania Artists
hosted by Governor Tom Wolf and First Lady Frances Donnelly Wolf
on view at the Governor's Residence, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania in 2015.
This painting was included in the 2016 Demuth Museum invitational, ![]()
From the Porch, Big Indian NY 1973 12" x 15", copyright 2011-2016
acrylic, ink, oil pastel on board
private collection
"Poetic Paintings", from February 5 - 28. 2016
The story of Big Indian in my life, and the poem, Storm in Summer,
can be viewed HERE
Anticipation copyright 2014
acrylic, ink, metallic marker on mylar mounted to board
image for 2016 annual greeting
collection of Dee Doulin, Willow Street, Pennsylvania
Lifting, acrylic on canvas, 9 feet High x 10 feet Wide
private collection, Chicago, Illinois
Stripes, copyright 2014, acrylic on canvas
15"H x 17"W
Magenta Precipice, copyright 2015, acrylic, mica, oil stick on canvas
20"H x 20"W
collection of Krista Van Zandt, Lititz, Pa
Esoteros, copyright 2015, acrylic, gold leaf, mica, oil pastel, oil stick on canvas
55"H x 52"W,
collection of Susan Kadel Esq. Hummelstown, PA
From the Blue Cottage, Penobscot Bay, copyright 2012, acrylic on repurposed canvas
30"H x 40"W,
AVAILABLE at Waltz Vineyards, Manheim, PA
Early Morning, Penobscot Bay, copyright 2012, acrylic on repurposed canvas
30"H x 40""W,
collection of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Scott, Lancaster, PA
Torii, copyright 2014, acrylic, silver leaf, iridescent marker, on Yupo
27.5"H x 32.5"W, framed in vintage teak
collection of Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hoffard, Lancaster, Pa
Annunciation, copyright 2014, acrylic, gold leaf, on c.p. paper
36"H x 24"W,
private collection, Lancaster, Pa
Exhibited at Lynden Gallery, Elizabethtown, PA , 2014
Star Shone Bright, copyright 2014, acrylic, pencil and metallic marker on paper
8"H x 10"W,
collection of Peg Richards, Lancaster, PA
This original was exhibited at Lancaster Museum of Art's "Trees Galore" exhibition
and signed copies were sent as my 2015 New Year greeting.
Will's Dream copyright 2013, 48" x 45", acrylic on canvas
collection of Dr. Stephen Diamantoni, Lancaster, PA
Etant copyright 2012
42" x 78", acrylic on canvas
collection of Dr. Frank and Mrs. Joy Manning, Lancaster, PA
To be...replaced, copyright 2012, 48" x 24"
acrylic with found wood patterns, tape and graphite on cradled luan board, with sheetrock corner guides as framing.
To be...replaced was accepted to show, and received Second Place in "Other Media" at the Art Association of Harrisburg's 2013 84th International Juried Exhibition.
To be...invisible, copyright 2012, 36"H x 36"W
acrylic on canvas with plexiglass frame
All copyright 2012. All cradled luan plywood with sheetrock corner forms as frames.
Left: To be...silent, acrylic, silver spray paint, silk velvet, copper nails, stainless steel wire, found amber glass; 48 x 24
Middle: To be...honest,, acrylic house paint, acrylic, oil pastel and pastel, corrugated packing material and drawing; 48 x 24
Right: To love, acrylic house paint, down, silk velvet and found amber glass; 48 x 24 available
To Be Honest was selected to be exhibited in an exhibition, "Women Gazing Inward"
at the Ceres Gallery, Chelsea, New York City, NY, from January 5 - 30, 2016
Departure - the 27th day of the 3rd month copyright 2011
acrylic, ink and gold leaf on canvas, 36" x 36"
Midnight at Max's - for Andy, copyright 2014
digital silkscreen - acrylic, ink, diamond dust, on canvas, 18" x 24"
collection of Rick and Gail Gray, Lancaster, PA
This painting was created for "POP", the 2014 Demuth Museum invitational.
Visit the Demuth Museum on line for more information about the historic home of Charles Demuth and the museum's hours of operation, directions, exhibitions, etc.
Shroud copyright 2011
40" x 60", acrylic on canvas
collection of Ken and Charteleda Kauffman, Lancaster, PA
Element-Sky (from the exhibition "Wind Horse - The Prayer for Peace"), copyright 2010,
32" x 40" , ink, acrylic monotype on kudzu paper
collection of Ann Barshinger, Lancaster, PA
First Prize 2011 Women's Expressions Exhibition at
Lancaster Women & Babies Hospital, Campus of Lancaster General Hospital, Lancaster, PA.
Icy Pond copyright 2011, 40" x 48" , acrylic, oil pastel on canvas
Things are About to Change copyright 2011, 48" x 60" , acrylic, mica, oil pastel on canvas
collection of Dr. Frank and Mrs. Joy Manning, Lancaster, PA
Study for Room Panels copyright 2009, 22" x 40" , acrylic, ink, gold leaf on paper
collection of George Mummert, Lancaster, PA
Look Up!
(We think we can know her by the trail she left behind.
In truth it only tells us she is gone.)
copyright 2010, 100" x 25", acrylic ink on drawing paper
Night Flight copyright 2010, 30" x 24", acrylic, enamel on Yupo
Collection of Lisa Shirk, Lancaster PA
Beatification (detail) copyright 2010, 40" x 330",
gesso, crayon, graphite, ink on drawing paper
juried into the Art of the State,2010, AVAILABLE
Beatification copyright 2010, 40" x 330"
gesso, crayon, graphite, ink on drawing paper
Beatification> was also shown in a solo exhibition, "Drawing Conclusions" (2010), at the Art Space,
East Building, Harrisburg Area Community College, Lancaster, PA,
Here is a blurb from the newsroom at HACC From the HACC newsroom
Swords into Plowshares copyright 2010, private collection
a small work created for "Trees Galore" annual auction to benefit the Lancaster Museum of Art in 2010
Three Mountains copyright 2010, 20" x 16" acrylic on kudzu paper
collection of Tom and Frances Donnelly Wolf, York, PA
Rust and Silver copyright 2007, 36" x 28", acrylic, ink on paper
Thus and no Further (Job 38:11) copyright 2007, 58" x 58",
acrylic on canvas
Lone Mountain, 2010, 24" x 24"acrylic on paper
Collection of Michael Green, Lebanon, PA
Siddhartha - The Birth of Bluecopyright 2004, diptych, 8 feet by 5 feet (total), acrylic on canvas
Permanent Collection of Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, PA
There are large scale works in place at the offices of Manning and Rommel Associates, 2115 Noll Drive (the Noll business Park adjacent to Stauffers on Rohrerstown Road) in Lancaster.
For information about their business hours, call 717-393-7980.
In addition to the venues mentioned above, several works are installed and can be seen at Waltz Vineyards, Old Line Road in Manheim, Pennsylvania. The Vineyard is owned by Kimberly and Jan Waltz Tastings and special events at the winery are available. Please link to their website for information about available wines, tasting events and store hours. They have a wine store in Lititz and a new wine store at Kitchen Kettle village
I am happy to meet anyone interested to see these works at their locations listed here, and encourage you to contact me,
if you would like to see works at these locations or at my studio.
Atoll copyright 2009, 24" x 30",acrylic oil pastel on paper
collection of Paula Egidi, New York, New York
La Neige et L'hiver (Scottish Islands) copyright 2009, three panels, total: 6 feet high by 27 feet long, acrylic, mica on canvas
each piece or all three pieces are AVAILABLE
Fog Along the Susquehanna copyright 2014, diptych total: 30"H x 80"W, acrylic, mica on canvas
AVAILABLE and currently on view at Waltz Vineyards, Manheim, PA
La Neige et L'hiver (sketch for triptych) copyright 2009
34" x 51", acrylic, ink, pigment, encaustic on canvas
collection of Tom Beeman, Lancaster, PA
This painting was exhibited at The Phillips Museum of Art at Franklin and Marshall College in February, 2015 as one of the pieces included in an invitational exhibition of six Lancaster abstract artists, "Just a Few of Us", curated by Bill Hutson.
Raising Lazarus copyright 2005, diptych, 60" high x 96" wide,acrylic on canvas
Jade Mountain copyright 2009, 24" x 30", acrylic, ink, pigment, on paper
Collection of Francine Firestine, Landaster, PA
I was invited to participate in the "Handprint Identity Project", a collaboration of poets and artists which has traveled since early in 2009. I worked with poet, Barbara Crooker, to develop related poetry and painting to be exhibited at the event. Barbara's poem, "Climbing the Jade Mountain", is responsible for the piece "Jade Mountain" above, and she is writing in response to "La Neige et l'hiver" (above), the sketch, and the large triptych, "La Neige et l'Hiver apportent la mort et fournissent la naissance du printemps". Blog entry, Painters and Poets discusses our collaboration:
To view Barbara's poems, please see her website:
Testimony of Eve, copyright 2006, 28" x 28", acrylic, ink on paper
collection of Mary Burton, Lancaster, PA.
Guidebook Fragment copyright 2006, 38" x 28", acrylic, ink on paper
collection of Jess May, Lancaster, PA.
Encroachment - The Tiny Silos copyright 2009, 46" x 68", acrylic, oil pastel on canvas
Also in Spring of 2010, I participated in an exhibition, "Perspectives on Preservation" -
A celebration of Art & Poetry expressing Lancaster County Artists' perspectives on preserving our land,
resources, and culture. This is also a collaboration and I was happy to be working with Barbara Strasko,
poet laureate of Lancaster County. The piece Encroachment - the tiny silos, is in response to her poem
about Warren Rohrer, Lancaster native and artist.
The exhibition was held at The Keystone Art and Culture Center in Lancaster, PA.
Music and poetry readings by local poets and Lancaster School District student poets were the highlight of the event.
Bridge Across the Ashokan - Late Summer copyright 2009, 24" x 54", acrylic on canvas
collection of Joy and Frank Manning, Lancaster, PA
Last Winter (remembering Gus) copyright 2009, 18" x 16", acrylic, ink on vellum
collection of Tim and Mary Pat Donnellon, Lancaster, PA
Guidebook copyright 2009, 18" x 16", acrylic, ink on vellum
collection of Keith and Suzanne Orris, Lancaster, PA
Barbara's Field copyright 2009,
based upon a poem written by Barbara Strasko, former poet laureate of Lancaster County, PA
18" x 16", acrylic, ink, gold leaf on paper
collection of Mike and Elizabeth Todd-Lambert, Lancaster, PA
Design for Screen copyright 2009, 20" x 46", acrylic, ink, gold leaf on vellum
collection of Stefanie Valar and Ed Hauck, Lancaster, PA
Frozen Pass copyright 2009, 18" x 16", acrylic, ink on vellum
collection of Laura Watt, Philadelphia, PA
Harmony - The Lake and The Moon copyright 2009, 24" x 30", acrylic, ink on mylar mounted on paper
collection of Tom and Judy Willig, Lancaster, PA
Ice Floe copyright 2009, 18" x 16", acrylic, ink on vellum, in a private collection
Jade Mountain I copyright 2009, 18" x 16", acrylic, ink on vellum
Jade Mountain II copyright 2009, 18" x 16", acrylic, ink on vellum
Jade Mountain - Snow copyright 2009, 18" x 16", acrylic, ink on vellum
Influence copyright 2007, 24" x 38" (framed), acrylic on mylar mounted on board
collection of Graeson Burnette-Peake, Philadelphia, PA<
Violet copyright 2008, 60" x 48", acrylic, ink on canvas
The Lost Year copyright 2007, 59" x 39", acrylic on canvas
Ms. Lisa Groff, Lancaster, PA
Evidence of Occupation copyright 2009, 20"H x 7" W x 4" deep,
found wood, recycled paint and findings
Bound copyright 2009, 16"H x 7" W x 4" deep
found wood, recycled paint, dental floss, chicken feather and findings
"Evidence of Occupation" and "Bound" are found wood and recycled paints,
pearls and findings and were selected by juror, Linda Cunningham for exhibition,
"SALVAGE - Reclaiming Recycling", a national juried exhibition held at The Phillips Museum of Art
at Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster, PA, in September through December of 2009.
Street Siren, from the series, "Solo Road" - 2008 Claire Giblin, silver gelatin print, 20" x 24"
AVAILABLE"Solo Road" is a series of 11 photographs (silver-gelatin prints). The photos were taken with a Holga camera and printed on fiber based paper. Taken over a two week period of time in Lancaster, New York City and back in Millersville, my home, the series explores the variations in landscape and the magic of the Holga all plastic, fixed lens, filled with light leaks, camera. This series of photographs were first shown at a solo exhibition at Southwest Minnesota State University (2009) and again at a solo exhibition, CAPTURED, in 2015 at the Ware Center of Millersville University, Downtown, in Lancaster, PA. This series is available for exhibition and consignment. A limited amount of individual prints, unframed, are AVAILABLE by special order.
For information about purchase of this and the entire portfolio of silver gelatin prints, I will send thumbnail images of the series; please contact me at
Inevitable, copyright 2015, addition to the series, "Solo Road" - 2008 Claire Giblin,
archival digital print, 24" x 20"
Print No. 1, 24 x 20, now in the collection of Greta Dymar, Lancaster PA.
Inevitable was exhibited in the invitational figure show held at the Susquehanna Center for the Creative Arts in May and June of 2015. I showed it together with Street Siren, above, to indicate the inevitable: in 2009, the statue stood alone on the diamond plate dock of a New York City architectural salvage dealer. In 2015, she was scheduled to be auctioned together with several other like her, including a merman. I was moved to take the snapshot (with iPhone) of the grouping. They seemed to be part of a drama -- Merman coming along, an "other" mermaid, the tension now created by two other figures. This, too, seemed inevitable. And now, when you visit that downtown loading dock, there will be no siren, no mermaid, to lure you into her spell. sigh. A limited number of prints are available by individual order at
Poem I - Red Pines - Snow on Cold Mountain copyright 2007, acrylic, ink on paper
collection of Phillip Freedman, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
The Day After copyright 2007, 48" x 36", acrylic, ink on canvas
collection of Nancy and Jerry Rescigno, Marriottsville, Maryland
The Acolyte copyright 2007, 60" x 48", acrylic on canvas
collection of Adrian Hennessey, Syracuse, New York
Monastery copyright 2005, 60" x 96", acrylic on canvas
collection of Dr. and Mrs. Steven Morgan, Lancaster, PA
Rising-Receding copyright 2007, 45" x 48", acrylic on canvas
available and on loan and exhibition at WARE Center, Lancaster, PA
Won't Stop, copyright 2007, 32" x 23", acrylic, ink, encaustic.
Journey copyright 2005, 24" x 60", acrylic, mica on canvas
collection of Bruce and Janice Goldstein, Philadelphia, PA
Heart is Sacred copyright 2007, ink on vellum under glass,
Toward Evening copyright 2007, 26" x 38", acrylic on paper, collection of Elena Casaccio and Rob Kostur, Philadelphia, PA
Lost in Translation copyright 2006, 37" x 37", acrylic on mylar
collection of Rod Firestone, Harrisburg PA
Blood of My Blood copyright 2006, 30" x 40", acrylic on canvas
Collection of Gregory and Jackie Seigworth, Millersville, PA
Mediator copyright 2006, 16.5" x 26", acrylic on paper
collection of George and Jan Broske, Newark, Delaware
Rest copyright 2005, 5 feet by 4 feet, acrylic on canvas
collection of Kathy and David Bowles, Fort Washington, PA
The Lancaster Arts Hotel is located in Lancaster City (300 Harrisburg Avenue). This luxury boutique hotel, with beautiful, art-filled, lobby, is a museum you can sleep in! The Arts Hotel features artwork, sculpture, and a fine art gallery and a world class restaurant with the freshest local produce and meats. There are 63 guest rooms and suites, two meeting rooms, wireless and wired internet access, a free business center, fitness center, laundry services, whirlpools in suites, etc. There is also free parking. I am very pleased to have a suite (Room Number 503) with my original artwork as well as a self-portrait in the portrait gallery. For reservations call: 717.299.3000 (toll free: 866.720.2787). You may also visit the website at: .
Currently, the works on display in the Giblin Suite 503 are: "Love - No Barrier", "Wisdom - good, beautiful and true",
"Tormentosa" and "Fetish".
Love - No Barrier (what barrier is there that love cannot break? M. Gandhi copyright 2005,
50" x 72", acrylic on canvas
collection of The Arts Hotel (suite 503), Lancaster, PA
Tormentosa copyright 2006, 24" x 36", acrylic on paper
collection of The Arts Hotel (suite 503), Lancaster, PA
Wisdom - good, beautiful and true copyright 2007, 32" x 38", acrylic on canvas
collection of The Arts Hotel (suite 503), Lancaster, PA
Protectorate copyright 200740" x 30", acrylic on canvas
collection of Janice and Bruce Goldstein, Plymouth Meeting, Pa
Charting the Harbor copyright 2006, 18" x 24", acrylic, pigment, ink and encaustic on paper
collection of Steve and Kathy Borkgren, Lancaster, Pa
Illuminated Text, 2006, 12" x 12" acrylic on canvas
collection of Heather Heilman-Loercher, Lancaster, Pa
Leaving the Imperfect World, copyright 2005, acrylic on canvas,
collection of Barbara Lewin, Philadelphia, PA
Record of Time Passing copyright 2007, 40" x 60", acrylic on canvas
collection of Dr. and Mrs. Steve Morgan, Lancaster, Pa
Martyrdom of St.Joan copyright 2005, 36" x 25", acrylic on canvascollection of James Albrecht and Alena Villani, Philadelphia, Pa
Sphinx copyright 2005, 6 feet by 7 feet, acrylic on canvas
collection of Kathy and David Bowles, Fort Washington, Pa
The Ancient Wood is the image on 2009's New Year greeting.
The painting was auctioned at 2008, "Trees Galore", the annual benefit for the Lancaster Museum of Art, in Lancaster, PA. It is in a private collection
Peace copyright 2005, acrylic on mylar,
one of a series of four paintings painted for ArtPoint Black invitational exhibition, Florence, Italy in 2005
collection of John Ground, Lancaster, PA
Back to the Garden copyright 2005, 5 feet by 8 feet, acrylic on canvas
available at Manning and Rommel Associates, Lancaster, PA
Visitation copyright 2005, 40" x 30", acrylic on canvascollection of Elena Casacio and Robert John Kostur, Glenside, PA
We said Goodbye on a Corner in Once (Jorge Luis Borges) copyright 2005, 30" x 40", acrylic on canvascollection of Mike and Vicki McCarty, Lancaster, PA
Road to the Ashram - Big Indian, NY copyright 2005
50" x 51", acrylic on canvascollection of Robert and Michelle Campbell, Lancaster, PA
Adrift copyright 2005 40" x 30", acrylic on canvas
collection of Dr. Barbara Lewin, Philadelphia, Pa
Looking Across the Healing Field copyright 2005, 38" x 39", acrylic on canvas
collection of Scott and Leigh Fitzpatrick, Philadelphia, PA
Second Chamber copyright 20055,
2 feet by 7.5 feet, acrylic on canvasdamaged. This work will be dissembled and is not currently available
The Burning Sea copyright 2005 18" x 18", acrylic on canvas
collection of Mark Anderson, Chestnut Hill, PA
Big Orange copyright 2004, acrylic on canvas, 48" x 60"
AVAILABLE at Manning and Rommel Associates, Lancaster, PA
Understanding Blue copyright 2004 44" x 44", acrylic on canvas
collection of Steve Funk, Lancaster, PA
A House Divided copyright 2004, 18" x 18", acrylic on canvas
collection of Heather Heilman, Lancaster, Pa
Inca original ink drawing donated for "Trees Galore", the annual auction to benefit the Lanaster Museum of Art.
This image is a digitized version of the work which is this year's New Year greeting.
The original ink drawing is in the collection of Stanley and Nancy Grand, Lancaster, Pa.
Glorious Morning original ink, gold leaf and acrylic on paper, donated for "Trees Galore", the 2011 annual auction to benefit the Lancaster Museum of Art.
collection of Barbara Hammel, Lancaster, Pa.
Portrait of Po copyright 2003, 38" x 36", acrylic on canvas
collection of George and Jan Broske, Newark, DE
Interpreting the Dream copyright 2005, 48" x 72", acrylic on canvas
AVAILABLE at Manning and Rommel, Lancaster, PA
At the Edge copyright 2004, 42" x 18", acrylic on acrylic sheet
collection of Jan and George Broske, Wilmington, Delaware
Structure of Sequence copyright 2005, 42" x 63", acrylic on canvas
collection of Dr. and Mrs. Steve Morgan, Lancaster, Pa
Looking Outward copyright 2003, 31" x 40", acrylic on canvas
collection of Amy Heavey, Ossining, New York
Asia copyright 2004, 30" x 30", acrylic on canvasCollection of Drake Nicholas, Esq., Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Waking on the Third Day copyright 2004, 38" x 42", acrylic on canvas
collection of Michael and Victoria Marino, Melville, New York
St. Marks Square, Venice copyright 2004, 30" x 36", acrylic on canvas
collection of Lilia Heisley, Harrisburg, PA
The Day of Patti's Passing(detail) copyright 2003, 26" x 38", acrylic on canvas,
collection of JoAnn Mitchell, Harrisburg, Pa
Sentinels copyright 2002, 39" x 27", acrylic on acrylic sheet
First Prize - 2003 Lancaster County Art Association Members' Exhibition
in a private collection
Many Voiced Echoes in the Mist copyright 2003, 28" x 39", acrylic on acrylic sheet
in a private collection
Solstice copyright 2003
collection of Claudette and Keith Archambault, Fairfax, Virginia
Eve of Light, copyright 2003, acrylic on board, 50" x 50"
collection of Tracey Meloni, Harrisburg, Pa
Pilgrim Soul II copyright 2003, 40" x 36", acrylic on canvas
collection of Lesa Gerard, Philadelphia, PA
Without a Kiss copyright 2003, 37" x 41", acrylic on canvas
collection of Laura Blair, Elkins Park, PA
Yin Yang copyright 2002, 27" x 39", acrylic on acrylic sheet
collection of Rodger and Carol Faill, Harrisburg, PA
Ses Memoires (la bella sera), copyright 2002, acrylic on canvas, 32" x 42".
collection of Angie and Daniel Roeder, Vienna, VA
(created for the Alice Drum Women's Center 10th Anniversary Celebration, March 28, 2003)
copyright 2003, 42" x 18", acrylic and collage on plywood
Collection of the Women's Center, Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, PA
This Poem copyright 2002, 24" x 14", acrylic on paper,
Collection of Barbara Verrier, Baltimore, Maryland
Labyrinthine Soul, copyright 2002, acrylic on paper, 24" x 14",
collection of Mr. and Mrs. Art Pavlatos, Lancaster, Pa\
Passage to the New World, copyright 2002, acrylic on acrylic 37" x 29".
collection of Robin Walsh Wise, Lancaster, Pa
Mystique, copyright 2001, acrylic on paper
collection of Jason Adams, Harrisburg, PA
Shrine of the Sea Turtle, copyright 2001, acrylic on canvas. 24" x 36".
collection of Drake Nicholas, Esq., Harrisburg, PA
Walking Down West 4th Street, 2001, acrylic on paper
, in a private collection
In Search of Avalon, copyright 2002, acrylic on paper 26" x 38".
collection of Dr. and Mrs. Steven Morgan, Lancaster, PA
Distant Hills, copyright 2001, acrylic on canvas, 38" x 36"
collection of Jason Adams, Harrisburg, PA
Shattered Sky, copyright 2001, acrylic on canvas. 49" x 32"
collection of George and Jan Broske, Newark, Delaware
(Creeping) In the Garden at Night, copyright 2001, acrylic on canvas
Created for the Yellow Wallpaper project, July, 2001
collection of Marianne Milianta and Robert Creason, Harrisburg, PA
Yellow Wallpaper, copyright 2001, acrylic on paper,
collection of Julie Brodie and Michael Huffnagle, Gambier, Ohio,
created for the production "The Yellow Wallpaper", July, 2001
Field of Green, copyright 2000, acrylic on paper
collection of Dr. and Mrs. Steve Morgan, Lancaster, PA
Her Voice (I Hear Her Voice in the Gentle Breeze of a Summer's Eve),
1999, acrylic, oil, pastel, watercolor on paper.
(Collection of Jay Green and Mary Tamaki, Los Angeles, California)
Out of Chaos, 2000, acrylic, oil, watercolor on paper.
collection of Steve and Andrea Morgan, Lancaster PA
I will continue to update this page with new images and exhibit information. In the meanwhile, please keep in touch and return occasionally to see what might be new for you. As always, I will be happy to show you new work by e-mail or on this page, if you are interested. Please let me have your comments. Thank you, again for your interest and for visiting.
Claire Giblin was born in New York City. As a child, she was tutored in studio techniques by her uncle, Western artist and historian, Vincent Mercaldo, and began creating artwork at a very young age. She continued to study fine art independently, attending life sketching, painting and art history courses in New York City at F.I.T. and in Pennsylvania at Lebanon Valley College, Millersville University and Franklin & Marshall College. She combines mediums, using acrylic, watercolor, oils, pencil, ink, encaustic and pastels on paper and canvas. Her paintings have won awards and acclaim by jurors and critics and are in private and corporate collections throughout the United States. She is also a photographer and printmaker. The artist donates 10% of all proceeds from the sale of her artwork to charities which support the homeless, including The Bowery Mission in New York City and the Water Street Rescue Mission in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
I grew up in Brooklyn, NY, where life was never easy. My alcoholic father left our home when I was five years old. He lived on the subways and streets and eventually died in New York City's Bowery section. At a very young age I began to draw. Creative expression was the means by which I was able to survive severe depression as a child and, later, as an adult, I was able to endure many hardships because of the transportation of life to art which I practiced. I created out of frustration and fear and pain and the desire to escape what was too overwhelming to understand. I believed I could transcend those subjective motivations to create art that is an expression of beauty and peace.
The power of art substantiates its value in society. The premise that thoughts and emotions transcribed into visual images can affect behavior, fascinates me. The slightest suggestive response gleaned from a painting can trigger narratives of historical and contemporary events or generate feelings of pure visual excitement, social consciousness, movement and ecstasy. This points to the purpose of art -- its enormous inherent power to influence an individual, or entire civilizations. As someone who makes art, my vocation is to see things differently and to present things that might lead to open conversation and understanding. Unspoken communication is a passage to enlightenment and peace, and this is the thrust of my commitment as an artist.
Daybreak, 1999, acrylic on paper
Collection of Mr. NS Mrs. Paul Barrett, Bethesda, Maryland
Onset of Winter", 1999 acrylic and watercolor on paper
Collection of Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bowman, West Chester, Pennsylvania
. 2022, Honorable Mention, Annual Community Art Exhibition (with Owen Giblin)
. 2018, Invitation to membership, Philadelphia Sketch Club, Philadelphia, Pa
. 2017 - Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award
. 2013, Second Place, "Other Media", Art Association of Harrisburg
84th International Exhibition
. 2011, First Prize, Women's Expressions Invitational Exhibition, Womens and Babies Hospital, Lancaster, PA
. "Best in PA" - 2005 yearbook of Pennsylvania's Best Artists - Honorable Mention
. Business 2 Business Magazine's 2005 "Hottest Artists" - Top 10 Mixed Media artists
. Best of Show - Grand Prize - Hanover Art Fest '96, Ashland, Virginia - "Reflections-Morning"; judges: Shelly B. Sheperd, Hand Workshop Art Center; Mary Holland, VA Museum of Fine Arts.
. National Award Winner - Grand Prize - "Art Contest of the Month", NAOFA (National Appreciation of Fine Artists), November, 2000, "Field of Green", Cover for Month of November
. First Prize - Lancaster County Art Association 2003 Spring Membership Show\ . Grumbacher Gold Medallion Award, 2002Jack Richeson & Co. Award, Philadelphia Tri-State Artists Equity, 2010
Award in Memory of Elaine Alber, Philadelphia Tri-State Artists Equity, 2007
. Pearl Paint Award, Philadelphia Tri-State Artists Equity 2008 "In Search of Ourselves", Moe Brooker, Juror
. Judges' Choice Award, 28th Annual Mt. Gretna Outdoor Art Show, Mt. Gretna, Pa, 2002
. Jack Richeson Award, Philadelphia Tri-State Artists Equity, 2010 Anniversary Exhibition
. Judges' Choice Award, 29th Annual Mt. Gretna Outdoor Art Show, Mt. Gretna, Pa, 2003
. Second Place, 84th Annual International Juried Show, Art Association of Harrisburg
. Second Place, 34th Annual Lititz Outdoor Art Show, 2000
. Second Place, 29th Annual Juried Exhibition, York Art Association, York, PA, 1999
. Second Place, 31st Annual Lititz Outdoor Art Show, 1997
. Silver Award: Open Competition and Exhibition, Federal Reserve Bank, Philadelphia, PA - May 12-June 17, 1997
. Third Place, September 2001, 2nd annual Landis Woods Invitational Outdoor Art Show, Neffsville, Pennsylvania
. Third Place, "Unbound (Prometheus)", September, 2001, 13th Annual Festival of the Arts, Lansdale, Pennsylvania
. Third Place, 1st Annual Landis Woods Outdoor Art Show, 2000
. Honorable Mention, 15th Annual Fall for the Arts Festival, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, PA
. Honorable Mention, 17th Annual Fall for the Arts Festival, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, PA
. Judge's Award, 2nd Annual Outdoor Art Show, LCAA, 1999, Dr. Leo Mazow
. Judges' Award, 32nd Annual Lititz Outdoor Art Show, 1998
. Honorable Mention, 1997 "Crabbie Awards", Art Calendar Magazine
. Honorable Mention, 3rd National Juried Art Exhibition, Highland Cultural Center, Highland, New York, 1996; juror: Deborah Goldberg, Museum of Modern Art and Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC.
. Invitation - 7th Annual Pocono Manor Fine Art Show, 1996; judges: Ward Jackson, R. Guggenheim Museum, NYC; Fred Brenner; Frances Kelly; Daly Flanagan, MOCA, Los Angeles.
. Solo Invitational Exhibition -Temple Beth Or Gallery, Spring House, PA, 1998
Reflecting Pool in Autumn, 1999, acrylic and oil on canvas.
Collection of Steve and Andrea Morgan, Lancaster, PA
Schedule of Exhibition 2023:
.January - Three plus Three group exhibition at Ware Center for the Performing Arts
.March - Demuth Museum Invitational exhibition
.September -Echo Valley Art Group auction
.Summer - Lancaster Museum of Art, annual community art show
.Winter - Trees Galore, yearly silent auction of fine art at Lancaster Museum of Art
.TBA - A Portrait Project, invitational, traveling exhibition for twelve artists
Schedule of Exhibitions 2022:
.January - Art Association annual International Juried Exhibition
.February - Artists Equity First Photography Exhibition
.March-Demuth Annual Invitation exhibition
.April - Marietta River Towns Plein Air event and Exhibition
.May - Echo Valley Art Group pop up show, Art Walk Weekend, Ellicott Historic Preservation Trust Building, Lancaster, PA
.June Artists Equity summer Crit
.July - Art Association of Harrisburg, 94th International Juried show
.December - "3x3", Three Person exhibition at Ware Center for Performing Arts, Millersville University, Lancaster, PA
.December - Lancaster Museum of Art annual Trees Galore event
Schedule of Exhibitions 2021:
.January - Demuth Museum Annual Invitational
.February - Statewide photo exhibition, ONE LENS, in honor of the survival of Covid and strength of Pennsylvania as a community
.February - Womens Caucus on Art - National Postcard Show
.March - Demuth Museum virtual Studio Tour
.March - Regional Center for Women in the Arts - National Virtual Exhibition "About Women"
.April - Art Association of Harrisburg, "Free for All", exhibition
.May - Lancaster Museum of Art annual Community Art Exhibition and sale
.July - September - Anita Shapolsky Gallery, Jim Thorpe, PA, curator and participating artist in Exhibition of Abstract work by
contemporary Pennsylvania Artists.
.May - Annual Demuth Foundation Art Auction
.November - Pop up Exhibition of Echo Valley Art Group artists, Ellicott Historic Preservation Trust Building, Lancaster, PA
.October - Artists Equity summer Crit event
.December - Echo Valley Art Group annual exhibition, Elizabethtown College, Elizabethtown, PA
The Argument of MARS and the aftermath copyright 2006, 30" x 40", acrylic on canvas
created at "Portraits" collaborative event, March 18, 2006
collection of Mr. Stephen Patterson, Lancaster, Pa
Claire contributes at least 10% of all income from the sale of her artwork to charities which support the homeless, including:
Water Street Mission, Lancaster, PA Bowery Mission, NY, NY St. Philip the Apostle Church Homeless Fund, Millersville, PA
Fire Island, 1998, acrylic on canvas paper
Collection of Hon Eng, Flushing, NYi>
For your interest and enjoyment, visit the following blogs: "Out There" is literary giant, Jeff Weinstein's, witty, interesting and insight/insightful media blog. Updated often, visit Out There and, you will also enjoy reading the art diary of the late artist, critic, and architect, John Perrault, "Artopia", which is also available as a podcast. Jeff happens to be a classmate from high school and John was his partner of many years. Both blogs are excellent and refreshingly readable....Enjoy!
Please e-mail me with your comments, questions or information. I will be happy to hear from you. Changes last made on: Monday, April 24, 2023 website created and maintained by Claire Giblin since 1995